Head of marketing at maxcluster


Today in an interview: Nicole Mentzen, Head of Marketing at maxcluster. Nicole talks about her path to us, the most exciting projects and what makes a perfect working day for her.

Instead of traveling the world, Nicole has helped bring maxcluster to where it is today. Curious to know how she did it? Then read on!

How did you get to maxcluster?

Before I landed at maxcluster, I worked at an American IT company for six years. The work was intense: endless hours, a range of responsibilities across Europe - I learned a lot but completely lost sight of my work-life balance. At some point, I thought to myself: I can't go on like this! So I resigned and wanted to spend my sabbatical traveling the world. That was the plan - but as life sometimes goes, things turned out differently.

Instead of putting my feet up, I “had” to continue writing applications and conducting interviews during my sabbatical - the office doesn't make it easy at this point 😀. I still remember the first question in the telephone interview with maxcluster from the HR manager at the time: “Why are you still on the market with your CV?” My honest answer: “Well, because I don't really want to work right now.”

Fortunately, this honest and unfiltered statement did not lead to the interview being terminated, but to a personal meeting with Sebastian and Alex. This was followed relatively quickly by a phone call: “We would like to make you an offer.” That was the moment when I had to take a close look at the offer and decide for myself whether the job and the company were right for me. Obviously everything was right for me (😀) and in a second interview we clarified the details and agreed that I would start after my sabbatical - not immediately, but a relaxed two months later.

Five years ago in October, I started as Marketing Manager at maxcluster. After my probationary period, I took over the management of Sebastian's department - back then with just one employee at my side. Today, we are a team of six “marketing unicorns” who work together to drive the company forward.

What is special about your work?

The exciting thing about my job is the incredible variety of tasks. Today, marketing is no longer just social media or blog posts - it's a whole universe that is constantly evolving. At maxcluster, I had the opportunity to expand marketing and actively help shape the company on its way from a start-up to a medium-sized company.

Our team now covers the entire marketing repertoire, from strategy development to the implementation of various measures. In the beginning, I did a lot of things myself. Now I concentrate more on the strategic direction of the department, give my team the space to work independently and am always open to new ideas. And although I now work more on a strategic level, I am of course still happy to fill in for my colleagues as a vacation or bottleneck backup. This creative freedom is one of the reasons why I value my work here so much. There are no rigid structures here - we are flexible, try things out and grow together.

One thing I have experienced at maxcluster is the change in perception of our customers. In the past, they were often just an anonymous number, a cluster in the database. Today, the focus is on the customer - with a face, a name and individual needs. This new perspective has significantly influenced our marketing. The target group has also evolved: Initially, our focus was strongly on technically oriented IT developers. Thanks in part to my input, we have realigned our content and are now addressing a broader target group that is better suited to the diverse requirements of our customers.

What has been the most exciting project so far?

There are many exciting projects that have inspired me. But one is particularly close to my heart: the development of our partner program. Shortly after I joined the company, I created the first concept for a program that would bind our partners to us in the long term. However, we first had to create the conditions within the company for the implementation of such a company, which took some time. Nevertheless, I was always firmly convinced that if we show our partners that they are important to us and convey this feeling authentically, they will remain loyal to us and grow together with us.

The partner program was then set up almost two years ago and has continued to develop ever since. Today, it is a central component of our success and I am proud to have been part of it from the very beginning. It has shown me how important it is to stand up for your beliefs - a clear vision can be the key to success.

Another highlight was the Vue.js project, where we set up our Application Center on new software and also took a closer look at the UX. This was special because it required close collaboration between marketing and development - a first for us. As the marketing department, we led the project and focused on putting the customer at the center, not the technology. We conducted targeted customer interviews and gathered regular feedback to ensure we were on the right track. The different approaches and working styles of the two departments involved sometimes led to unexpected challenges. It was impressive to see how all departments broke down their silos and pulled together.

What does your perfect working day look like?

For me, a perfect working day doesn't have to be flawless - it's not about whether everything runs smoothly or whether we complete all the tasks on the to-do list. It's much more important to me that we make progress as a team and make decisions together that help us move forward. There are often days when you're running from one meeting to the next and it feels like you're constantly reacting and working through tasks. The best days are therefore the ones when decisions are actually made in the numerous meetings and we can take the next step.

Above all, I enjoy spending time with my team, be it in planned meetings or in spontaneous moments of exchange. It's important for me to have the space to listen, develop ideas and think about the next steps together, rather than just rushing through the to-do list. Perfection is not a must - it's enough for me to go home in the evening and say: everyone has done their best and we have achieved something together. It's the feeling of progress and cohesion that makes the difference for me. If I have the feeling in the evening that we have achieved something together, then it has been a good day.

How does it feel to be part of the maxcluster team?

This year I'm celebrating my fifth anniversary at maxcluster - I think that says a lot! I appreciate the teamwork at maxcluster across all levels. The flat hierarchies and open communication ensure that everyone is heard and can contribute without a lot of posturing or unnecessary formalities. We put the team first, and you notice that every day. Whether in daily exchanges, in projects or in the many small moments in between - we have a good working relationship and for me that is a big part of the working atmosphere. It's this mixture of professionalism and humanity that makes working here so pleasant and productive at the same time.

Another aspect that I really appreciate is the continuous development - both of the company and the employees. No one is left standing; everyone has the chance to develop and break new ground. There are always new challenges and opportunities to try things out, which keeps the work varied and exciting.

How satisfied are you with the technology and equipment?

As far as the technology and equipment at maxcluster are concerned, I can only say: I am completely satisfied! I don't have particularly high standards myself, but it's important to me that my team has the tools it needs to work effectively and efficiently. This is absolutely the case with us, and I really appreciate the fact that maxcluster attaches great importance to offering employees the best possible conditions.

A small point that I personally often make: To use my height-adjustable desk more often! I often find myself sitting in my ergonomic chair rather than moving the desk to a standing position 😀

What would you not want to miss anymore?

Certain employees that I have grown particularly fond of over time. I could probably find the same benefits and amenities here in other companies, although we really do have a lot to offer here. But the people I work with every day and the relationships I've built over the years are priceless. I also appreciate the direct coordination with the management. At maxcluster, I have the opportunity to voice my opinion at any time and participate in important decisions. This right to have a say is extremely important to me, because it gives me the feeling that my voice is heard and that I can actively contribute to the success of the company.

I also enjoy the high degree of personal responsibility I have here, as well as the freedom to make mistakes. This culture of making mistakes is a decisive factor for me because it shows that we can all learn and develop - without fear of doing something wrong. It motivates me to try out new things and always think outside the box.

Another thing I wouldn't want to do without is the corporate culture at maxcluster. It's great to have sparring partners in different places - colleagues with whom you can exchange ideas and work on solutions together. Here, I don't feel like a small cog in the wheel, but an essential part of the whole.

Published on 26.09.2024 | Head of Marketing at maxcluster | DW

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