Data center

Hosting with maximum security

The security of your online store or application is our top priority. The basis for this is a data center that meets the highest German security standards.

Multi-level security concept

Multi-level security concept

Our TÜV-certified Tier III+ data center is located in Frankfurt am Main to take advantage of its proximity to DE-CIX, the largest Internet node in the world. Our data center has ISO 27001, PCI DSS and ISAE 3402 certification, and its high standards provide an optimal infrastructure for business-critical applications.

Even in the unlikely event of a fire, your data is protected: In the area of fire protection, the security concept relies, among other things, on fire compartments, increased fire resistance, early fire detection and a gas extinguishing system, which fights fires actively, significantly more effectively and with less potential for consequential damage.

check Surveillance of the site and buildings via video and a 24/7 guard service.
check Construction of building systems minimizes damage from flooding, fire and lightning.
check Secured, structurally separate fire compartments with visual thermal fire detectors and an Inergen fire suppression system.

Redundancy for even more safety

Redundancy is the key to even greater safety, because then, in the "worst case scenario," the emergency system can still kick in. For example, the power supply is designed as an uninterruptible power supply and emergency power supply for the servers as well as to supply the critical technical building systems such as air conditioning, cooling, ventilation and security systems.

Our switches are also connected according to the principle of redundancy. Thus, each switch is connected to the redundant router via an independent cable supply. Should a switch or router fail, network traffic is automatically taken over by another switch or router.

check Air conditioning and refrigeration systems in our data center are redundant according to the special requirements for business-critical applications
check Power and emergency power supply system with redundant A and B supply meets requirements for high availability
check Fully redundant connection through independent network nodes and separated supply networks

Comprehensive protection for your data

We take the protection of your data very seriously. Since our data center and company headquarters are located in Germany, we work in accordance with the strict requirements of the European Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO).

check Protection of personal data according to DSGVO
check Agreement on commissioned processing (AV contract) between you and us
check Extensive, detailed privacy policy
Green Hosting

Green Hosting in Germany

Data centers are not only essential for global connectivity, but are also among the largest energy consumers in the world. Unfortunately, it is not possible to apply the virtual power consumption pencil to all components of hosting, but we are committed to providing our service as sustainably as possible with our data center operator.

check Use of energy-efficient technology: optimized cooling of the data center through cold housing of the racks.
check Data center and our company headquarters in Paderborn are powered 100% by renewable energies
check Efficient use of existing technology through virtualized infrastructures

More on this topic in our blog