Varnish Hosting

Web Accelerator with 10ms load time and SSL support

If the number of visitors to an online store increases - whether continuously or all of a sudden - delivery times often increase as well. With Varnish Hosting you can guarantee the accessibility of your online store even in the case of a large rush of visitors and optimize the delivery time.

Short loading times through Varnish Cache

check Optimal and consistent delivery times at all times: A single second delay causes 11% fewer visitors, 16% lower customer satisfaction and 7% fewer sales.
check Reduction of operational costs: instead of running many servers in a complex cluster, the web accelerator can handle the same load with just one web cluster.
check Reduction of load: Even with many visitors, you can guarantee accessibility and optimize delivery time.

We have successfully supported over 200 online stores with Varnish integration.

Managed Services

check Our experts support you with the integration into your online shop
check Monitoring and regular security updates by our administrators
check Easy administration via the Managed Center
check Start, stop, restart and empty with one click

Varnish achieves over 407 pages per second per CPU.

Many years of experience with Varnish

Our experts can improve the performance of your online store. Through such optimization, your customers will experience a new shopping experience - and this will not only increase your conversion rate, but also your revenue in the long run. In addition, by using intelligent caching technologies, you can often do without load balancers or complex infrastructures.

Important questions

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us directly or ask for a callback.

How does the Varnish Cache work?

The Varnish Cache saves the content of an internet page after the first call and stores a copy in the cluster's memory. When the page is called again, its content is now no longer generated by the web and database server. Instead, the copy of the content is loaded from the working memory and delivered to the visitor. Consequently, Varnish Cache brings you two advantages: It reduces content delivery time and saves resources at the same time.

How to achieve maximum performance?

The goal is to deliver as many hits to your online store as possible via Varnish Cache, so that you have short and consistent delivery times.

How is dynamic content delivered?

Dynamic content is still generated by the web and database server and loaded directly into the online store via an additional call. They are not stored in memory by the Varnish cache. Typical dynamic content includes the shopping cart, member areas, forms or even pricing rules.

What is the Varnish Configuration Language?

The Varnish Cache is configured via the VCL and adapted to the individual requirements of each online store. From exception rules for dynamic content to runtime for cached content, the VCL offers extensive possibilities to configure the Varnish Cache.