Report abuse

Through the email address provided below, you can report abuse involving illegal content on web pages or third-party applications, where maxcluster serves as the hosting provider. This may include content that is directly in violation of the law, such as discriminatory or child pornography content, as well as content whose distribution may be illegal, such as the sale of counterfeit products or malware.

If you have a complaint about content hosted on a maxcluster server, please be as detailed as possible in your report to help us trace the potentially illegal content.

Provide a motivated statement for your report, include the URL if possible, and provide any additional information needed to trace or reproduce the potentially illegal content. If you have screenshots or images to support your report, please include them in your report as well.

You can send your report to

When we receive an abuse report, we will notify you as soon as possible of its receipt and keep you informed of the developments regarding your report.

For more information on the measures and procedures relating to the Digital Services Act (DSA), please refer to our guidelines.