
Best Practices for performance

In our Managed Center administration area, you can benefit from numerous best practices from our experience in hosting high-performance online stores and high-traffic applications. With just a few clicks you can either use our presets or configure your clusters individually. Choose the software and tools that fit your needs.

  • E-commerce stack - designed for maximum performance
  • Monthly centralized update day to update services and software packages
  • At least 15 minutes of "remote hands" for individual service or application configuration during our office hours included

Web Server

You want to be flexible in choosing your web server? No problem. With us you can switch between the open-souce solutions Apache and NGINX at any time, but you can also choose profilers according to your requirements as well as set up Varnish caches and much more around your web server.


Apache is a proven web server with a wide distribution. Many systems therefore already rely on this server out of the box, for which PHP modules, for example, can also be easily and dynamically reloaded. Due to its structure, the web server consumes a lot of resources during large load peaks.


NGINX was developed under performance aspects. The web server is based on an asynchronous architecture, so that the resource consumption remains largely constant during load peaks. NGINX can be extended by modules by compiling them into the system - dynamic loading is not possible.

Discover NGINX hosting


Our interface allows you to connect external profilers and analysis tools with just a few clicks to monitor performance and easily identify bottlenecks.



Blackfire analyzes PHP applications to collect data about time, CPU, I/O wait, memory, network calls, HTTP and SQL requests. This data is clearly visualized in various graphs.

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Tideways is a tool for profiling, monitoring and tracking in PHP. Take advantage of the strengths of Tideways, which lie, for example, in the targeted analysis of known runtime problems with a very clear representation of the timeline.

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New Relic

New Relic

New Relic APM is a monitoring tool that allows you to continuously monitor the performance of your online store in real time. New Relic locates bottlenecks such as long loading times and sends an automated message to you if desired.

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Varnish SSL

Varnish SSL

The use of a Varnish cache brings you two important advantages, especially in the case of large visitor rushes: It reduces content delivery time while saving resources. Moreover, by using it, you can often do without load balancers or complex infrastructures.

Discover Varnish Hosting


Do you want to insert SSH keys to enable secure login without a password? Or block unwelcome IP addresses? In our Managed Center you can do this quickly and easily with just a few clicks.

Database & Search

To ensure the highest possible speed and quality of search results, powerful search engines and databases must be integrated into your website. Put together your ideal configuration with us at the Managed Center.



MySQL is a widely used relational database system. For many CMSs, this system is the technical basis for storing data, because it can process large amounts of data quickly. You can create MySQL in the Managed Center with one click and define users.

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The full-text search engine OpenSearch is a fork based on Elasticsearch 7.10. It was initiated by Amazon's AWS and currently has the same range of functions as Elasticsearch. OpenSearch is developed by a large open source community independent of Elasticsearch.


You want a full-text search engine whose scope of services is also relied on by large companies such as Facebook, Netflix, Zalando and also GitHub? Elasticsearch searches articles up to 5 times faster than other search engines, making it a speed-guarantor.

Discover more advantages

Solr offers you a wide range of search functions and is fault-tolerant and easily scalable. The platform is especially popular for Big Data. Solr not only offers a very detailed functional environment, but also numerous available plug-ins.

More about Solr Hosting

Sphinx is a full-text search engine and plays out its advantages especially when implementing your own search engines or web applications for processing large amounts of data. You can either use it to quickly and easily batch index and search stored data, or alternatively index and search the data on the fly, similar to using a database server.

Cache & Queue

No extra charge and already preconfigured:

  • redis
  • RabbitMQ
  • varnish
  • PHP 8


Online stores with many visitors generate a large number of shopping carts from which sessions are generated. The sessions can be stored in a Redis database, for example, which can significantly increase the performance of a store. In the Managed Center, a Redis server can be installed, configured and deactivated with just a few clicks. Read more about the performance benefits in our blog series.

Discover Redis hosting


RabbitMQ is a so-called message broker: code messages sent from one service to another are distributed with its help, so that the messages do not block each other and thus create queues and processes are not executed optimally. If a new user or VHost needs to be created, or access needs to be configured, this can be done quickly and easily in the Managed Center.

Security & Backups

To ensure that you can run your online store or blog as securely as possible, we provide you with extensive and in some cases exclusive security features.



To protect your application as efficiently as possible against unauthorized access from the outside, you have the option of individually configuring the firewall via port shares.



You want to block clients or limit a new client? With just a few clicks, this can be implemented in the Managed Center just as quickly as creating an Allowlist.



With ShopSecurity you can check your store installations for known and potential security vulnerabilities. Following a scan, you will receive detailed reports with concrete recommendations for action and recommendations for optimizing the security-relevant settings of your store and server.

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For 14 days, we check daily whether your backups of the file system and all databases have been performed successfully. In addition, we check the backups for consistency and manually restore the backup if we detect an error. In case of data loss files and dumps can be restored through our Managed Center.

Developer tools

To support the workflows of developers in the best possible way, we do not only offer a pure web server and PHP. Rather, we provide a specific selection of tools to optimally support you in routine work, deployment and analysis of the web applications hosted with us.

Cluster Control

Cluster Control

Cluster Control" is a so-called command line tool for our clusters. This tool can be built into automated deployment scripts, for example, to simplify configurations across clusters.

More information in the blog

Application specific command line tools


For Magento 2 users, we provide version n98-magerun2. The feature set is similar to n98-magerun and therefore a good complement to Magento's own bin/magento tool.


You have a Shopware store? For this we provide sw-cli-tools, a command line tool that supports you in installing Shopware and plugins for Shopware.


For WordPress users, our stack includes the wp-cli tool, which allows you to manage WordPress instances from the command line.

General command line tools


Composer is a package manager for PHP that can be used to install and update most modern PHP applications, as well as Magento 2 and Shopware.


With lessc we offer a less compiler for the command line, with which you can compile less code in CSS.


For frontend JavaScript libraries we provide Bower, a package manager.


For modern web applications, frontends and developer tools are increasingly built with NodeJS. To simplify the work with it, we provide NodeJS and NPM.


You want to automate processes directly on the cluster. With Grunt we provide a task runner for JavaScript.


The version management tool Git is pre-installed on our clusters, not only for technology enthusiasts.

What our employees say

maxcluster GmbH

"Consulting" for me means seeing the customer's business through their eyes. My goal is to convey to him that we are aiming for a long-term collaboration to make him even more successful together. Because for more than 10 years, we have been the "right sparring partner" in e-commerce with our technology and innovations.

Mario Hogrebe
maxcluster GmbH

E-commerce hosting is like building a house: If the foundation is not solid and designed for long-term reliability, growth will be on shaky ground. It is therefore very important to me to understand the long-term goals of my customers and to advise them individually in this regard. Transparency and open communication are essential for this.

Alfred Maier
maxcluster GmbH

Achieving success together with our customers and partners is what drives me. And these successes can only be achieved through close coordination between our partners and us. Our team is therefore always approachable - whether for new customers or long-standing partners.

Jan Ahlers
maxcluster GmbH

Transparency and quick accessibility are the main focus of our professional consulting. But we want to convince not so much with words, but above all with our performance. This forms the technical basis for the success of our customers.

Arthur Heffner
maxcluster GmbH

My goal is to advise customers not only professionally, but above all with regard to their individual requirements. They benefit from the many years of experience at maxcluster and the best practices from over 10 years of e-commerce hosting. Because this is how we ensure that stores and applications always run efficiently and economically.

Patrick Idzkowski

More on this topic in our blog

Simplify deployments with Cluster Control
Part 1: Identifying bottlenecks - Blackfire IO
Open Source in the e-commerce