
FAQ user administration

In this FAQ article you will find information about the different roles in the Application Centre as well as frequently asked questions about user administration.

Our backend consists of three interfaces, the application, managed and monitoring center:

  • Application Center: Here you have access to commercial topics such as contracts, invoices, orders and user administration.
  • Managed Center: Here you have administrative access to your cluster via our (self-developed) management interface.
  • Monitoring Center: Here you can view (and monitor) the utilisation of your cluster and the server services.

With your personal user account, you can log in via and get an overview of the clusters to which you have access in the Application Center.

Each user account holds one of two possible roles:

  • Manager
  • Administrator

In addition, a manager is always the contact person for the account. Below you will find a more detailed explanation of the roles.


User accounts with the role of manager are assigned to customer accounts (CN-xxxx) and thus receive administrative rights over the customer account. These rights include contract and invoice viewing, the right to order clusters, domains and certificates and user administration. Thus, managers can independently add further managers to the respective client account, but also remove them.

When a cluster is ordered for the first time and a new customer number is generated, the customer or the contact person named on the offer form becomes the manager of the customer account.

Contact person

In each customer account, one of the managers is also the contact person for the customer account. In case of a critical emergency, this person is the first contact person for our Linux administrators in case of doubt. Furthermore, this person is mentioned by name on the invoices.


In contrast to managers, administrators only have technical rights and can thus access the cluster (C-xxxx) to which they are assigned and thus call up the Managed Center and Monitoring Center. Administrators can also have access to several clusters.

Each manager is also an administrator on the cluster(s) stored in the respective customer account. The administration of the administrators is subject to the managers, who can add further administrators and change existing administrators.

How do the new roles differ?

Functions Manager Administrator
Configuration in the Managed Center Ja Ja
Monitoring in the Monitoring Center Ja Ja
Invoice viewing Ja Nein
Contract insight Ja Nein
Order view Ja Nein
Add / remove managers from a client account Ja Nein
Add / remove administrator from cluster Ja Nein

Caution: All managers have the same rights and can therefore remove each other from client accounts.

How do I assign roles?

Each manager of a client account can manage the roles.

To add a new manager to a client account, proceed as follows. 1:

  1. navigate to the desired cluster / client in the overview.
  2. Click on the button "Manage manager".


  1. In the newly opened menu, click on "Invite manager".
  2. Enter the e-mail address of the new manager and confirm this action by clicking on "Invite".


If you want to remove a manager, repeat steps 1 and 2 and click on the x in the corresponding line in the opened menu.

To add a new administrator to a cluster, proceed as follows. 1:

  1. Navigate to the desired cluster in the overview.

  2. Click on the button "Manage administrators" in the row of the cluster. Application%20Center%20Overview_2

  3. In the newly opened menu, click on "Invite administrator".

  4. Enter the e-mail address of the new administrator and confirm this action by clicking on "Invite".


If you want to remove an administrator, repeat steps 1 and 2 and click on the x in the corresponding line in the opened menu.

Frequently asked questions

I have forgotten my password, what should I do?

You have the option of having your password reset via the "Forgotten password" function when you log in to the new system for the first time. The corresponding validation will be sent to the e-mail address previously stored in the user account.

I no longer have access to the e-mail address I initially entered when placing my order. What should I do?

Please contact us to carry out a manual validation.

The manager deposited in the customer account is no longer part of the company. What should I do?

If you are not a manager of the client account yourself and you are able to remove the user, please contact us for manual validation and manager replacement.

How can I change the contact person of the client account?

Managers of a customer account can independently exchange the contact person, after logging into the Application Center, via the button "Edit data".

Do you have any further questions?

As usual, we are at your disposal during the usual support and consultation hours. Just give us a call or send us an e-mail. We will get back to you as soon as possible!

Do you need assistance?

maxcluster GmbH
24 / 7 Customer support
+49 5251 414130

Do you need assistance?

maxcluster GmbH
24 / 7 Customer support
+49 5251 414130